Time travel in the North West


Excerpt from the Government Office for Science Foresight group on their Future of Cities blog. Reference to our (Rob & Ulysses) computational methods to study future trajectories based on existing capacities.

“We also spoke to staff at Manchester School of Architecture who showed us one of their current projects around forecasting the future of the city using innovative data techniques.  The technique does not just represent existing data, but allows us to ‘time travel’ into the future to foresee potential scenarios, testing outcomes and helping avoid making mistakes. One of the main benefits of the work is that it enables people to visualise, not just imagine, the long-term future of cities; something that could be very beneficial to decision makers.”

Full Article: https://futureofcities.blog.gov.uk/2014/05/22/time-travel-in-the-north-west/

Reports | December 1, 2014 1:23 am