Panagiotis Angeloudis
Dr Panagiotis Angeloudis is Senior Lecturer and Director of the Transport Systems and Logistics Laboratory at the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering at Imperial College London. He also leads the Port Operations Research and Technology Centre (PORTeC) within the Centre for Transport Studies.
His work to date has spanned the areas of network optimisation, urban transport systems, logistics and maritime transport. Previously Panagiotis was a JSPS Fellow at Kyoto University. Panagiotis obtained his PhD in Transport and MEng in Civil & Environmental Engineering from Imperial. He is a Chartered Member of the Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT).
Infrastructure Resilience: Panagiotis has been developing novel infrastructure resilience models for large, interacting urban networks. A key driver is to ensure that an acceptable level of service can be maintained in case of disruptions, and to develop contingency plans that ensure service continuity. A tool called Asty has been developed to assess the impact of random failures, extreme weather events and targetted attacks. His work on this topic has been funded by EPSRC, JSPS, Climate-KIC and ARUP.
Construction Logistics: Tools and algorithms have beed developed for the design of complex supply chains and to plan just-in-time deliveries to congested construction sites. Objectives include the minimisation of transport costs, environmental impacts and traffic disruptions, while integrating different transport modes, and acknowledging a wider range of legal, labour and operational constraints.
Maritime Transport: There has long been a need to predict how cargo flows are assigned to shipping routes. Panagiotis has been developing tools and algorithms for the design new routes, point choice analysis and to study the effects of competition between shipping lines and alliances.
Publications (Selection)
Angeloudis P, Greco L, Bell MGH, 2016, Strategic maritime container service design in oligopolistic markets, Transportation Research Part B – Methodological, Vol:90, ISSN:0191-2615, Pages:22-37
Anvari B, Angeloudis P, Ochieng WY, A Multi-Objective GA-based Optimisation for Holistic Manufacturing,transportation and Assembly of Precast Construction, Automation in Construction, ISSN: 0926-5805
Angeloudis P, Greco L, Bell MGH, 2016, Strategic maritime container service design in oligopolistic markets, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART B-METHODOLOGICAL, Vol: 90, Pages: 22-37, ISSN: 0191-2615
People | April 30, 2017 10:18 pm