Nir Oren
Dr Nir Oren is a Senior Lecturer in Computing Science at the University of Aberdeen. His research lies in the field of multi-agent systems, where he focuses on reasoning in complex domains using argumentation, computational models of trust and normative constraints. Recent work by Dr Oren includes optimising on-demand transportation service pricing and the explanation of automated reasoning using argumentation.
Oren’s main research interest lies in the area of reasoning within complex domains. More generally, he is interested in what agents (human or artificial) should believe, or choose to do, in the presence of uncertainty and other (possibly malicious) agents. His work encompasses areas such as argumentation; normative reasoning and computational trust. Within these areas, he has investigated theoretical questions as well as performed more empirical and applied research. He is also interested in techniques from fields such as decision and game theory; as well as belief revision. His work has applications in areas such as persuasive technologies; transportation and smart grids.
People | October 23, 2016 11:04 pm