Jun Luo

Prof Luo holds a PhD in Project Management (UMIST, UK); a MArch in Architectural Design and Theory (Chongqing University); and a BEng (Hons) in Urban Planning (Wuhan University of Technology).

He is a China State 1000 Plan Expert. Currently, he is a visiting professor at the University of Salford; guest professor at Wuhan University and Director of the Sustainable Building and Urban Design Research Institute. He served as distinguished professor at Tsinghua University, following a successful career in practice and employment with Dachi International Consultancy Co Ltd, Atkins China Ltd, Foster and Partners and Ove Arup & Partners.

He is a member of the Architectural Theory and Creation Committee, Chinese Architecture Society, as well as the 20th Century Architectural Heritage Committee, Chinese Society of Cultural Relics.

Prof Luo is the recipient of a large number of awards and prizes, such as the 2013 International Architecture Award. His master plan and Terminal 3 scheme of Zhengzhou International Airport was awarded the Best Low-carbon Airport design in China (2010). In 2010, he was recognised as a China Public Relations Figure of 2009.

In the past decade, he has published one book and over 40 research papers in various key international and Chinese journals on project management, architecture and planning. Recent funded research projects include ‘Low-carbon and eco urbanization – a case study on Wujiashan New Town of Wuhan’; ‘Low-carbon airport planning and design’ and ‘New concepts and innovative approaches of airport master planning in the 21st century’.

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People | October 23, 2016 11:06 pm