Deljana Iossifova / post
A conference on the complex links between urbanisation, infrastructures and everyday life.
WHEN? Workshop: Saturday, 16 December 2017, 2pm – 6pm Exhibition: 25 November – 17 December 2017. Details here. WHERE? 〒231-0054... [more]
This exhibition and event series explore urban transformation in Japan between the Tokyo Olympics 1964 and 2020. In particular, the exhibition focuses... [more]
The overall aim of this project is to contribute to improved human well-being as the overarching goal of the Sustainable Development agenda. It will define and advance a systems approach for sanitation and the study of sustainability outcomes across different sanitation systems, geographical contexts (India, Brazil) and temporal scales using multiple analytical approaches and state-of-the-art modelling. Scenario building will support decision makers in uncovering plausible futures.
The overall aim of this project is to enhance our understanding of complex human-environment interactions and their sustainability outcomes. SASSI will define and advance a systems approach for sanitation which situates basic human functions within wider human ecosystems of critical social, economic and environmental resources and social institutions, cycles and order.
The project will study sustainability outcomes across different sanitation systems (e.g., service-networked; sewage-based), environments (urban, peri-urban, rural) and temporal scales (historical analysis, scenario modelling) using various analytical approaches and state-of-the-art modelling.
SASSI will contribute to enhanced human well-being as the overarching goal of the Sustainable Development agenda. It will address crosscutting issues in sustainable development. It will focus on Shanghai (China) as a prime example of urban transformation, drawing on quantitative and qualitative data to understand the development of infrastructure over time and explore how possible context-specific policy- or design-focused interventions may contribute to sustainable development in the future.
Smart city approaches promise technology-based opportunities to build sustainable urban futures. However, it is unclear how current market-led approaches can... [more]
Principal Investigator: Ulysses Sengupta Co-Investigators: Robert Hyde Researchers: Amir Khorasani Funding: H2020 Synchronicity is a €20m project funded under Europe’s Horizon 2020... [more]
Principal Investigator: Deljana Iossifova Co-Investigators: Ulysses Sengupta, Heide Imai Junior Researchers: Magdalena Atanasova, Adam Brennan, Daniel Kempski, Paulina Kowalska, Diana... [more]
The ESRC Strategic Network: Data and Cities as Complex Adaptive Systems (DACAS) seeks to promote a more holistic approach through the integration of a wide range of data sources. By bringing together an international group of researchers from a range of different fields, the project supports the development of an innovative and cross-disciplinary set of tools to gather and interpret emerging data sources. The findings will benefits policy-makers, academics and other actors seeking to develop evidence-based responses to urban issues through the use of open data sources.
How do senior citizens in Bulgaria cope under conditions of diminishing pensions, rising living costs, uncertain health care provision, dilapidating housing and truncated family ties? This project uncovers the main concerns of Bulgaria’s abandoned elderly in cities, towns and villages. It provides much-needed insights into the challenges that senior citizens face in their everyday lives.
Defecation in rapidly transforming cities may serve as an axis, linking the individual and the social, private perceptions and public policy, as well as other connected yet seemingly remote dimensions of urban life. This project contributes to a better understanding of one of the most pertaining issues for growing and developing cities and their existing and future residents: appropriate urban sanitation. Findings contribute directly to knowledge in human geography, urban anthropology and social/environmental psychology; they inform policy-makers and practitioners and advance efforts toward sustainable urban development.
This project explores urban borderlands as the formation, negotiation, and maintenance of multiple individual and group identities under coexistence. On the example of a sociospatially fragmented district of contemporary Shanghai, the project asks how large-scale political and economic processes of urban transformation are experienced on the ground. Drawing on the literature in geography, anthropology and environmental psychology, it combines qualitative and quantitative methods for data collection and analysis. The study provides a phenomenological account on everyday life under coexistence under sociospatial transition in contemporary Shanghai.
Healthy Cities 2019: Urbanisation, Infrastructures and Everyday Life
Preserve or Transform? Workshop on Urban Heritage and Transformation in Yokohama
[61] Harmonica Alley Exhibition and Events in Yokohama
Towards Sustainable Sanitation in India and Brazil (TOSSIB)
A Systems Approach to Sustainable Sanitation Challenges in China (SASSI)
DACAS – UNU-IAS Policy Brief on Sustainable Smart Cities
Synchronicity – H2020 Internet of Things – Large Scale Pilots (2017 – 2019)
Harmonica Alley, Yokohama: a visual ethnography (2014 – 2017)
ESRC Strategic Network: Data and Cities as Complex Adaptive Systems (2015 – 2017)
Bulgaria’s Forgotten Elderly: a human ecosystem approach to ageing (2015 – 2017)
Sanitation and Differentiation in Urban China (2012 – 2013)
Lives on the Borderland: the sociospatial restructuring of a neighbourhood in Shanghai (2006 – 2010)