Daniel Graham
Dan Graham is Professor of Statistical Modelling in the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Director of the Statistical Modelling and Economics Research group, and Research Director of the Railway and Transport Strategy Centre within the Centre for Transport Studies at Imperial College London. He holds doctoral degrees from the Department of Mathematics at Imperial and from the London School of Economics. Dan has published over 80 papers in refereed journals and two books. His published research includes work on various aspects of transport modelling and spatial statistical analysis. He is currently engaged in projects on Bayesian inference for road traffic accident prediction, modelling the effects of transport interventions for ex-post evaluation, mixed model propensity score approaches for causal inference, and semiparametric double robust estimation for continuous treatment effects.
Dan’s analyses of the impacts of accessibility on productivity provide the empirical basis for the assessment of wider economic impacts in transport appraisal internationally. He provides advice to Government departments around the World, including the UK Department for Transport and the Treasury, and was appointed Specialist Advisor to the UK Parliamentary Select Committee on Transport. He contributes to teaching on statistics, advanced transport modelling and transport demand & economics. He currently supervises eight PhD students, as well as overseeing several MSc special projects each year.
People | October 23, 2016 11:12 pm