Deljana Iossifova is Senior Lecturer in Urban Studies at the University of Manchester. She trained as an architect at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich) and has a PhD in Public Policy Design from the Tokyo Institute of Technology.
Ulysses Sengupta is a senior lecturer at the Manchester School of Architecture (MSA) a collaboration between Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) and The University of Manchester (UoM). He is the founder of Complexity Planning and Urbanism (CPU), a research centre and related Masters atelier at the Manchester School of Architecture. CPU uses a complexity framework to develop new digital tools, computational thinking and urban theory addressing future ICT disruptions and spatio-temporal dynamics in urban processes. The research is transdisciplinary and spans Future Cities, Smart Cities, the Internet of Things, agile governance and cities as complex adaptive systems. CPU research engages with planning for evolutionary and emergent city systems, digital participation and inclusion, data platforms for resilient cities and urban simulations for sustainable future scenarios.
Rob Hyde is a Principal Lecturer at the Manchester School of Architecture [a joint school between the Manchester Metropolitan University... [more]
Alexandros Gasparatos is Associate Professor in Sustainability Science at the University of Tokyo. Before joining IR3S he conducted research at the University of Oxford (2011-2013), the United Nations University (2008-2011) and the University of Dundee (2006-2008). As an ecological economist he is interested in the development, refinement and application of sustainability assessment and ecosystem services valuation tools. He has applied such tools on topics as diverse as biofuels, food/energy security, green economy, and urban metabolism in Asia and Africa. He is the PI of a Belmont Forum project on the food security outcomes of industrial crop expansion in Africa (FICESSA).
Solon is a researcher at the Manchester Metropolitan University. Previously, he graduated with a Master of Architecture with the CPU... [more]
Christopher Doll is a research fellow at the United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability. He has a broad range of research interests with a focus on urban areas and geospatial technologies. His recent work has explores how cities can shift local development patterns to more sustainable pathways in various different sectors such as transport, energy, waste and biodiversity. To support this, he is developing a number of tools that consider both the quantitative and qualitative elements of urban development. This has developed into interest into systems approaches in urban health and is a visiting research fellow at the UNU International Institute for Global Health in Kuala Lumpur. He is currently working on a project looking at analysing and building cooperation for low-carbon technology transfer.
Sigita is a researcher at the Manchester Metropolitan University. Previously, she graduated with a Master of Architecture with the CPU... [more]
Roberto Kraenkel is a professor of Physics at the Institute for Theoretical Physics at the São Paulo State University (Brazil), working on complex systems, mainly in applications to biological problems, such as ecological and epidemiological ones.
Mahmud is a PhD candidate and researcher at the Manchester Metropolitan University. Prior to joining the CPU-Lab, Mahmud had graduated... [more]
Dr Nir Oren is a Senior Lecturer in Computing Science at the University of Aberdeen. His research lies in the field of multi-agent systems, where he focuses on reasoning in complex domains using argumentation, computational models of trust and normative constraints. Recent work by Dr Oren includes optimising on-demand transportation service pricing and the explanation of automated reasoning using argumentation.
He is a Reader at the Institute for Complex Systems and Mathematical Biology (ICSMB), University of Aberdeen, having joined this University in 2009.He worked as a postdoc at the University of Maryland (USA), 1997-1999, the University of São Paulo (Brazil), 1999-2003, the University of Potsdam (Germany), 2004-2006, as a guest scientist in the Max-Planck-Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems (Germany), 2007-2008, and as a Guest Assistant Professor at the Centre for Applied Mathematics (Portugal), 2008-2009. Since his PhD, one of the main themes of his research work is related to unravelling the complex relationship among information, synchronisation, collective behaviour, and dynamical invariants in dynamical and complex networks. He has also an interest in modelling of complex systems and developing technology exploring fundamental properties of dynamical and complex systems. He has published 115 papers, received 1726 citations, and his h-index is 18(http://scholar.google.co.uk/, under profile “msbaptista”).
Dr Panagiotis Angeloudis is Senior Lecturer and Director of the Transport Systems and Logistics Laboratory at the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering at Imperial College London. He also leads the Port Operations Research and Technology Centre (PORTeC) within the Centre for Transport Studies.
His work to date has spanned the areas of network optimisation, urban transport systems, logistics and maritime transport. Previously Panagiotis was a JSPS Fellow at Kyoto University. Panagiotis obtained his PhD in Transport and MEng in Civil & Environmental Engineering from Imperial. He is a Chartered Member of the Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT).